
“Video Recruitment – More than just a Trend”

Human beings are an evolving species. We love to try new ideas and follow them loyally until a better one pops up. Such is the story with People and Trends. Trends change from time to time, and so does the art of connecting with people. People today, are more inclined...

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Most valuable asset nowadays is Data, Not Oil!

"Data" - The expression you will come across if you are a working professional, ‘or’ you have any other area of interest. Over the past decade, It has been talked as the most significant and treasured asset; even surpassing the value of Oil. What is “Data”? Well, it's...

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What attracts Talent in an Organization?

Recruiting Skilled Talent may have been considered as an easy task a few decades ago, however, in this age of digitization where education levels have ascended, and technology has evolved; hunting for talent has become more multifaceted. The demand for talent has...

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Recruitment is no longer an 8 – 5 Job. Here’s Why

Working an 8-5 job in Recruitment? Most people may not agree with this idea. The recruitment process is fundamentally carried out by consultants, agencies, and companies, to meet the needs of clients by providing them the talent they necessitated. How is it to work in...

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Talent Acquisition Strategies to Grow Your Business

“Survival”, is a primary objective of every company in today’s ever-changing world. A company with poor Talent Acquisition Strategies will find it very difficult to survive in this competitive world of corporate battles. What are “Talent Acquisition Strategies?” ‘Or’...

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