The lexicon defines decompression as the “Time when one is not working or is bemused; free time and use of free time for enjoyment.” Decompression is significant to wager a balance and take a pause from the demands and stresses of everyday life. Today we dive deeper to understand decompression, its effect, and techniques to include it into your day-to-day life.
The Benefits
Decompression time is a medium to:
• Bring down stress levels & reduce depression.
• Promote physical & cerebral health.
• Boost productivity.
• Elevate your mood.
Mapping the decompression time isn’t as relevant as the quality it creates. Doing what truly brings you joy and a sense of accomplishment is critical. The result of decompression time is almost immediate, and the outcome can be long-lasting.
Reframe Rest
Decompression time may be considered by some as a luxury or even a waste of time, however, it is vital for lowering stress levels and boosting happiness. An article in Science Direct states “The belief that rest is unthrifty is also associated with poorer psychological health upshots, including lower reported happiness, and minute reported depression, anxiety, and stress.” Assuming that decompression time is fruitless is far from the truth. Not availing of time off can negatively influence your physical and mental well-being.
Decompression time is not always about resting. It can be used to do things that help reduce exertion and yet be productive. In a theme on Sharp, they propose thinking of repose time in 5 sets and nourishing each of these areas:
• Physical
• Social
• Emotional/ Interior
• Mental/ Cognitive
• Spiritual
Imagine exercises you enjoy that can fall into these areas. Decompression could be taking a walk during lunch or a hike on the weekend, join a club, learn a new language, etc. A variety of decompression conditioning will keep you feeling satisfied with your life overall.